Saturday, December 11, 2010

The biggest joke ever.

It's me again, crawling out of the woodwork after not posting for another 2 years. While reading through what I've written in the past, I could feel the laughter welling up inside of me, until I could contain myself no longer and just burst out hooting with laughter, because I knew that I still haven't made any money on line.

If I'm going to die of old age, I am still hoping to make SOME money online before then, even if it is just to prove to myself that I can do it.

I have been ignoring this online business stuff for quite a while now. In the meantime I've been taking oil painting art classes which I have enjoyed tremendously. I really love painting. Well, (don't laugh) apart from the money running out, yes, again, I am also not as healthy as I used to be and wow, I am getting older too and the old body is really having a hard time keeping up. It's not that I'm that old, it's just that I have done night duty for most of my adult life and burnt the candle at both ends, so there's not much of that candle left to burn.

But, yes, you've guessed it, I have started the quest to make money online, yet again. So the other thing I don't have much of, is time. But one can make time if you have to, so I will just have to.

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Getting older and wiser.

Oh my! I don't know where I've been the past two years, but definitely not on this planet it seems. My last post was in January 2007 and here we are, almost at the end of 2008.
Right, you've guessed it, I'm still not making any money online. All this stuff I have downloaded and all the sites I've joined, just doesn't want to work for me while I do nothing. I have the same problem with my potplants. For some reason they won't grow if I don't give them water. Crickey, is there nothing that can just carry on on it's own? Do I actually have to DO something before I can make money online? Halloooooo, wakey, wakey. Rise and shine, girl. Take a deep breath and then........start doing some work. You may just get a few results if you actually DO something.
O.K., meanwhile I have become really serious about digital photography and I'm trying my darnest to learn Photoshop. Sooooooo, I discovered a course called: LearnPhotoshopNow. And I have also put my new found knowledge to work; "work" being the keyword here.
Yes, at last the penny has dropped. I must actually do some work before I can achieve anything. So, this program is working fine for me, because I'm doing my bit. I have learnt a lot, although slowly, but definitely surely.
I also love digital scrapbooking and with my newfound knowledge of Photoshop, I can now do amazing things. Well allright, maybe only two things at the moment, but soon I will be able to really play around.
So, I've not had a lot of time to think about making money online. (Oh no, not that topic again!)
Yes, I'm afraid so.
See, I've been going through one of those stages where everything seems to be needing fixing at the same time and money has been slipping through my fingers like you wouldn't believe. But it was not spent on any luxury items. Stuff like service for the car, new tyres, new battery, to fix the garagedoor which gave up on me due to all the power outages. (Try opening an electric garage door manually. It's heavy, very heavy.) And then, to crown it all, a swarm of bees moved into two airvents in the outside wall of my house. To have them removed cost me another pretty penny.
But.......I have something up my sleeve this time to make money on line. So I'll try and do some work on it and see what happens.

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Friday, January 12, 2007

Still trying to make money.

It's been a very long time since I posted anything on this blog. Well, in the meantime I was planning a holiday to visit my son and grandson in Malaysia and that took priority over anything else. So everything, even making money, was pushed to the background. Yes, even though I was spending lots and lots of money planning my trip. But I would worry about that later.
O.K. so now it's later and I am flat broke and really need to give my income a boost. So now I will have to get down to the nitty gritty and try and lick this "make money on the internet"-game.
I have been hard at work since my return. Of course, after taking it easy for a week or two due to jetlag and heat exhaustion (I stayed there for a full month so I was really finished after all that heat). Oh, and then of course it was the holidays, what with Christmas and New Year and all the hustle and bustle and excitement that goes with it, who on earth can try and start a new business that time of year.
So, now it's a new year, everybody's back in their old routine's, or new ones, whatever the case may be. And I've run out of excuses.
But my one and only new year's resolution is to lick this internet business stuff, come hell or highwater.
Now let me get back to work and ........... watch this space for the next installent.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Now, Let's Start Making Money.

This I have been trying to do for longer than I care to remember.
The first time I was still a shining, bright newbie, filled with enthusiasm and raring to go, stars in my eyes, sure that I would conquer Internet Business single handed. Then I fell out of bed with a bang! and had a rather rude awakening.
First of all, to get anywhere, everybody wanted me to buy something and made promises of how rich I would get. It was unbelievable..... it all sounded so easy. But alas, nothing worked out the way I thought it would.
There's this great quote by someone, I forget who: Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow. And also, take action, without action nothing will happen.
Now that is my biggest downfall. I downloaded all these great articles and e-books and stuff, all free, of course. And boy, is there a load of those things on the Net. Ask me, I've got a whole, big harddrive filled with them. Then, what do I do? I promptly forget about them. I downloaded everything sent my way, because, you know, I might need it someday and then I won't be able to remember where to find it. So it's much safer sitting on my computer somewhere, right?
My second, huge, big problem is: getting sidetracked. While I'm visiting a site with a money-making opportunity, after thinking, this must be IT, I see a link on that site and off I go. In the end I do not even remember why I visited the initial site at all. Like a hungry little bird after breadcrumbs I follow the linktrail until I'm totally lost. But what the heck, I'll start again tomorrow and this time, I promise myself, I'll stick to the actual topic and not get led up the gardenpath again. Right?! ?

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Search Engines Giving You a Hard Time?

It has been said the only thing in life that is certain is death. And that certainly is true of the Internet. Especially search engines. Now those are things that really can not be trusted. They are defintely one of the fastest changing things in my life.
They are continually improving their ease of use and their submission rules can be very confusing. Not only for the newbies, but even for experienced users.
Numerous articles have been written about them: how to use these search engines, how to optimize your website to get high rankings on the search engines, etc, etc.
Bob McElwain has written "1001 Newbie Friendly Tips" and I can assure you that you will find very valuable tips there. But here is the bad news: he charges $29 for them. But where there's bad news, there's usually good news as well, right? The good news here is, that you can find that article for FREE on The Newbie CLub's website. Now this one might sound like bad news to some people, but it is mixed with a whole lot of good news and you'll never ever regret it. To access that free article, you need to be a member of The Newbie Club. More good news: it is FREE to join. Is that great, or what? I'd recommend you join today, because on The Newbie Club site you can find way more than just that article. There's a free newsletter as well and lots of other stuff. Do yourself a favour and go and have a look! You won't be sorry. Here's the link once again: http://newbieclub.com/?pcwise

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Downloading? What's That?

The next thing I had to learn was:downloading. By now I was surfing the web almost everyday and I saw loads of stuff that I thought I could use. And most of it is FREE! Wow! How lucky can one get.
I was also getting very brave and the great, big fear I had in the beginning, you know the one, when you're too scared to touch any key on your pc, because what if everything disappears, was beginning to subside. I realized that I just had to be careful WHICH keys I touched.
So, I was clever enough to figure out for myself how to download, because mostly they tell you where to click. What they usually don't tell you, is where to find the file you just downloaded.
Trying to find that file really wasn't a joke. And the frustration and the tantrums. Sometimes just felt like throwing the pc out the window. I would make endless cups of coffee and drink endless glasses of Coke and take endless trips to the...... Wait a minute, I'm getting a bit carried away here. Not one to give up easily, I would sit in front of that screen until my eyes burnt and my shoulders ached, but some of that downloaded stuff was never to be retrieved again. Some of it I did find and others I discovered accidentilly months after downloading and had no idea why I downloaded it. Must've looked like a good idea at the time.
Then, after developing lots of grey hair and even more wrinkles from all the frowning, I discovered the tutorials at the Newbie Club. That gave me new hope, the hair I pulled out, started growing again. Wanna know what I'm talking about? Go and have a look at:
If you're a newbie and often feel like jumping out the window yourself, why don't you join as a member, it's free and it's a goldmine, believe me. They really saved my sanity!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Learning to Send Email.

Just starting on the pc, the first thing I had to learn, was to send email. My son was going to London and email is the best way of communicating, so I just HAD to learn.
I remember all the frustrations of not being able to remember how I did something the previous time. My son was not a very good teacher. He wanted me to figure it out by myself, because he already showed me once. Well, I would sit there, for what felt like hours, trying to do that. In the end I would manage to get it right, (sheer luck, probably) and then not have a clue afterwards how I did it, because I tried so many different ways. This is frustration in it's purest form. Frustration that made me want to pull my hair out, or take a hammer to the pc, or whatever, as long as it's cruel and painful.
Then my daughter came to the rescue. She was standing by, quietly watching what was going on and not wanting to butt in, stayed in the background, until she could no longer witness her poor mother's suffering. She showed me exactly what to do and made me write down everything, so next time I could just go to my notes for info.
Today, of course, I find it hard to believe that anybody could be THAT ignorant. But I was, o yes, I was.
I have discovered that I know some tips and tricks about email that lots of people using it every day, as part of their job, do not know about. And it makes me feel very proud for being sooo clever, after being sooo dumb. And where did I learn all these tips and tricks, I hear you asking.
At The Newbie Club, of course. Go there now and see what they can teach you.
http://www.newbieclub.com/?pcwise It's free to join and very, very informative. Want to build a website, want free ebooks, articles, tutorials and lots, lots more? The Newbieclub is the place to be, even if you're not a newbie anymore. Go and have a look, otherwise you'll never know what you're missing.