Monday, September 25, 2006

Now, Let's Start Making Money.

This I have been trying to do for longer than I care to remember.
The first time I was still a shining, bright newbie, filled with enthusiasm and raring to go, stars in my eyes, sure that I would conquer Internet Business single handed. Then I fell out of bed with a bang! and had a rather rude awakening.
First of all, to get anywhere, everybody wanted me to buy something and made promises of how rich I would get. It was unbelievable..... it all sounded so easy. But alas, nothing worked out the way I thought it would.
There's this great quote by someone, I forget who: Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow. And also, take action, without action nothing will happen.
Now that is my biggest downfall. I downloaded all these great articles and e-books and stuff, all free, of course. And boy, is there a load of those things on the Net. Ask me, I've got a whole, big harddrive filled with them. Then, what do I do? I promptly forget about them. I downloaded everything sent my way, because, you know, I might need it someday and then I won't be able to remember where to find it. So it's much safer sitting on my computer somewhere, right?
My second, huge, big problem is: getting sidetracked. While I'm visiting a site with a money-making opportunity, after thinking, this must be IT, I see a link on that site and off I go. In the end I do not even remember why I visited the initial site at all. Like a hungry little bird after breadcrumbs I follow the linktrail until I'm totally lost. But what the heck, I'll start again tomorrow and this time, I promise myself, I'll stick to the actual topic and not get led up the gardenpath again. Right?! ?


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