Monday, September 25, 2006

Now, Let's Start Making Money.

This I have been trying to do for longer than I care to remember.
The first time I was still a shining, bright newbie, filled with enthusiasm and raring to go, stars in my eyes, sure that I would conquer Internet Business single handed. Then I fell out of bed with a bang! and had a rather rude awakening.
First of all, to get anywhere, everybody wanted me to buy something and made promises of how rich I would get. It was unbelievable..... it all sounded so easy. But alas, nothing worked out the way I thought it would.
There's this great quote by someone, I forget who: Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow. And also, take action, without action nothing will happen.
Now that is my biggest downfall. I downloaded all these great articles and e-books and stuff, all free, of course. And boy, is there a load of those things on the Net. Ask me, I've got a whole, big harddrive filled with them. Then, what do I do? I promptly forget about them. I downloaded everything sent my way, because, you know, I might need it someday and then I won't be able to remember where to find it. So it's much safer sitting on my computer somewhere, right?
My second, huge, big problem is: getting sidetracked. While I'm visiting a site with a money-making opportunity, after thinking, this must be IT, I see a link on that site and off I go. In the end I do not even remember why I visited the initial site at all. Like a hungry little bird after breadcrumbs I follow the linktrail until I'm totally lost. But what the heck, I'll start again tomorrow and this time, I promise myself, I'll stick to the actual topic and not get led up the gardenpath again. Right?! ?

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Search Engines Giving You a Hard Time?

It has been said the only thing in life that is certain is death. And that certainly is true of the Internet. Especially search engines. Now those are things that really can not be trusted. They are defintely one of the fastest changing things in my life.
They are continually improving their ease of use and their submission rules can be very confusing. Not only for the newbies, but even for experienced users.
Numerous articles have been written about them: how to use these search engines, how to optimize your website to get high rankings on the search engines, etc, etc.
Bob McElwain has written "1001 Newbie Friendly Tips" and I can assure you that you will find very valuable tips there. But here is the bad news: he charges $29 for them. But where there's bad news, there's usually good news as well, right? The good news here is, that you can find that article for FREE on The Newbie CLub's website. Now this one might sound like bad news to some people, but it is mixed with a whole lot of good news and you'll never ever regret it. To access that free article, you need to be a member of The Newbie Club. More good news: it is FREE to join. Is that great, or what? I'd recommend you join today, because on The Newbie Club site you can find way more than just that article. There's a free newsletter as well and lots of other stuff. Do yourself a favour and go and have a look! You won't be sorry. Here's the link once again: http://newbieclub.com/?pcwise